Gi joe movie cast
Gi joe movie cast

gi joe movie cast

However, unless new team members (read: more affordable actors) are being brought into play, having Duke and Snake Eyes vs. I always love to see AAA onscreen, but even Heavy Duty was somewhat irrelevant to the plot of the first film. Joe for me, and Duke is clearly coming back since he is the protagonist of the whole story. To be honest this news doesn't upset me that much - Storm Shadow and Snake Eyes were the only even mildly interesting part of G.I. We already knew that Sienna Miller wouldn't be reprising her role as The Baroness. Joe team members like Heavy Duty (Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje), Scarlett (Nichols), Breaker (Said Taghmaoui), Ripcord (Marlon Wayans), and General Hawk (Dennis Quaid) won't be back, as well as Cobra members Destro (Christopher Eccleston), The Doctor (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) and Zartan (Arnold Vosloo). According to Nichols' Tweet, the only characters from the first film coming back for the sequel are Snake Eyes (Ray Park), Storm Shadow (Lee Byung-hun), and Duke (Channing Tatum). Joe? And what does this development mean about how the sequel is being approached? We'll discuss.įirst off, we'll discuss which cast members are coming back. Joe 2, the sequel which is being directed by Jon Chu and written by Zombieland scribes Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick. Nichols dropped a bomb when she revealed that Paramount isn't bringing back much of the principal cast of G.I.

gi joe movie cast

Film has spotted an interesting development over the Twitter account of actress Rachel Nichols, who played Scarlett in G.I.

Gi joe movie cast